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If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.
Richard D. Aderholt (Aderholt)
Linden E. Albrecht
Judith Anson (Leshner)
Alice Jeanne Arth
Lewis M. Baier
Dee (Carole) Ballantyne
Carole A. Bateman
Joan K. Batey (Dillon)
Clarice Bauknight (Roth)
Donna Beiswenger (Riggs)
Peter Bendetti
Lynn M. Bengston (Alexander)
Claudia Bentz (Detwiler)
Phillip R. Bergener
Susan J. Bernard (Sanders)
Virginia (Missy) Biggs (McLaren)
Barbara Bingham (Strouse)
Caryl Jo Black (Malone)
Nancy A. Bolton (Krohn)
Nancy L. Borgman (McNally)
Joan Ellen Bowers
B. M. Christopher Boyd
Michael J. Brady
Patricia E. Bransfield
Joe E. Brant
Bettina Brashares
James C. Brashares
Janet Lou Bretz
Alexis Brown (Falek)
Gordon T. Brown
Margaret Brown
Bruce R. Buchner
Jeffrey W. Buncher
John (Jack) Caldwell
John A. Campbell
Lee C. Carr
Judith (Judi) Chamberlin
Ronald J. Christo
Myrna Christopher
Flora N. Cicchino (Busch)
Patricia Clifton (Yodlowski)
Dorothy L. Close
Martha J. Cooke (Wehrenberg)
John G. (Jack) Copeland
Janet Crawford
Tancy Crawford
David S. Crofford
Diane J. Crosson
Andrew (Drew) Cumming
Linda Curtis
Regina Daniell (Smith)
Ralph D. Davia
Laurel Davis (Hutchins)
Lynn K. Davis (Garrett)
Arthur R. Deemer
Cheryll Derby
Patricia M. Devlin
Beverley J. DeWitt
Carole A. Di Gregrio (Martin)
Candance Diggans
Kenneth R. Dilling
Lydia Dillon (Abell)
Judeen Donahoe (Saunier)
Diane S. Downing
Georgia L. Dugan
Robert S. Dunkel
Robert F. Elborne
Jack N. Ellwander
Carol A. Emonds
Nancy A. Faassen
Gerald E. Fedele
Raldon Fife (Reizen)
Edward Fischer
Janice Flinn (Smith)
Kathleen Foley (Cleaver)
Elise W. Ford
Leslie M. Formato
Barbara J. Fortwangler (Masiello)
Virginia Freese
Mary French (Natwiik)
Nancy L. Frysinger
Richard H. Gail
Robert K. Gardner
Ingrid B. Gemassmer
Judith A. Gibbons (Bernardi)
Carole Gilbert (Brown)
Kathryn P Gilboy
Deborah J. Glassford
William A. Golden
Wayne H. Goodlin
David J. Goodrich
Thelma Goolsby (Kirk)
Nancy Lou Griffith
Linda A. Grosso
Molly E. Grove
Thomas A. Gudiness
Stephanie S. Gunn (Hangst)
Mary E. Harding
Lucinda A. Harris (Berglund)
Carol R. Harter
Roberta Healy (Gardel)
Josiane Hellers
Richard W. Helsel
George R. Herrington
Jeanne Holliday (Jenkins)
Virginia R. Hopewell
Richard P. Hoppe
Daniel M. Hrisak
James W. Hubbell
John K. Hulsberg
Andrea Isacco (Gunning)
Paul A. Jenkins
Eric C. John
Carl E. Johnson
Suzanne Jones
Jan M. Kaley
Julie A. Kascal
Karen Kasch (Parker)
Joseph N. Kaszycki
Kenneth R. Kearns
Frederick J. Keller
Ann Kennedy (Samek)
Jane Kennedy (Bertke)
Diane D. Kletter (Schuler)
Mark Labovitz
Charles J. Lackovich
Gretchen A. Lang
Feliz M. Laporta (Manuel)
John D. Leonard
Christina Lepthien (Donovan)
Linda K. Lewis (Burnham)
Irwin G. Lichter
Edward Lipsman
Weldon A. Lodwick
Alice M. Long (Kerns)
Donald E. Long
Betty J Lunardini (Kruman)
Frank J. Lutz
Marion L. Malarkey (Sparks)
Gail L. Marlow
Lisa Jo Marshall
Ruth A. Martin
Marilyn K. Mastro (Marasco)
Caryn Mather (Foss)
Janet E. Mayes (Flood)
Richard W. McCall
Carol A. McDivitt (Scrivner)
Susan McElray (Corbett)
Meredith S. McGrath (Gehm)
Sara A. McRae (Felder)
Patsy A. Melvin
Karen L. Mihm
Chuck Miller
Katherine G. Miller (Hall)
Margaret C. Minor
LaVerne Miskevics (McMonagle)
Marilyn E. Mohl (Grunenwald)
James S. Monsch
David C. Morris
Tracey Mueller
Richard J. Muller
Thomas P. Murphy
Margaret Napolitana (Moore)
Jane Norseen (Houlihan)
Cheryl A. Novak
Mary Ann O'Brian
Barbara Olson (Bruckman)
Judith L. Olszewski (Hulick)
Mary (Jean) Orr (Baumgartner)
Angeline (Angie) Papalas (Sebree)
Steven G. Parr
Nelson A. Parsons
Robert A. Patton
Donna C. Paulsen (Boyle)
Lynn Petterson (Steinestrovinski)
Constance J. Pezzino (Hilpert)
Barbara A. Phinney
Harriet Poel
Teresa (Terry) Polosky (McKay)
Elmer Ponte
Charles (Tony) Pope
Diane L. Porter (Dornberger)
Reece E. Poulton
James R. Powell
Carol A. Pritchard (Andrews)
A. K. A. (Jean Quenon)
Patricia L. Raines
Kathy Randall (Hoppe)
Emerson R. Ray
Maureen Reilly (Schuette)
Debra L. Resnick (Miller)
David J. Rile
Charla M. Ritter (Dailey)
Ann M. Roach (Allsopp)
Bruce H. Robinson
C. Edward Robinson
Charles E. Robinson
Faith E. Rogers
Joyce Rogers (Smith)
Robert Franklin Rohm
William A. Rollinson
Diane Rosenberg (Yee)
Richard S. Ruben
Diane R Rutherfoord (Myers)
George Rzasnicki
Mildred J. Sabom (Patterson)
Barbara Samuels (Weinberg)
Stuart J. Sandhaus
Elizabeth Satler (Larry)
Judeen D. Saunier (Smith)
Marcia A. Schafer
Nancy J. Schallus
William J. Schoeder
Donald K. Schwarz
Gail Scott (Holsinger)
Barbara Ann Shallcross (Reichert)
Donna Kay Shaver
Katharine Smith (Fyfe)
Richard C. Sneathen
Marcia Sneberger
Philip R. Spicuzza
Gregg E. Springer
Vincent E. Stabile
Janice A Stehle (Scheck)
Robert S. Stevens
Sally Almon Stewart
Richard L. Stoneberg
Molly A. Sturdy
Virginia N. Sutherland
Jeffrey P. Thoma
Susan K. Thomas
Norma J. Tillson
Stephen G. Timmons
Patricia Toon (Early)
George W. Trever
Peter F. Tropp
Susan Turner (Vaughan)
Jeanne Van Atta
Jane E. Vanderbeck
Edward E. VanSchaick
Robert A. Volkwein
Gwen Walker
Laura Wallace (Ousset)
Patricia A. Walsh (Alexander)
Thomas P. (Tom) Walther
Janis Warnholz (Smith)
Robert (Bob) Watson
J. Edward Weber
Constance (Connie) Wedel
Harry G. Weimer
Barry H. Weiner
William C. Wetmore
James A. (Jim) White
Nancy White
Stephen J. White
John D. Wicker
Victoria A. Wiehn (Clark)
Keith D. Will
Robert R. Williams
Suzanne Wilson (Jones)
Charles (Chuck) Womack
Caroline Wood
Marilyn (Missy) Wurzbach (Harvey)
Jerilee Yagello
Judith Yankura
Kenneth D. Yeager
Richard S. Young